Saturday, March 29, 2008

3 Things In A Bag

We had a fun activity at church a couple of weeks ago, the Relief Society Birthday Dinner, and we got to know each other through this funny game. We were asked to bring in a brown grocery bag with 3 items inside that told something about ourselves that nobody knew. We each took a turn choosing a random bag, holding up the items and everyone guessed who the bag belonged to. There were items like a guitar songbook, an opera playbill, a piece of Fiestaware, a German beer stein, a Harry Potter book, a rafting helmet, a Portuguese to English book, a quilt, a statue of an angel, a Snoopy doll, a golf ball, a tennis ball, the most unusual item: a tool for sheep castration!... I could go on. My eyes were opened to these women of all ages and their talents, hobbies, and work. When the person was guessed, they would come up and briefly explain why they had chosen those items, and then pick the next bag. It was so great! It took them awhile to guess mine, but Julie called out, "Krista!" and the jig was up.

~I loved my Latin Ballroom class at BYU and this is how I get my fix (and my fit) 2-3 times a week.
~This portrait was my final project for a college watercolor class. It's Harry Connick Jr.
~I am a Lord of the Rings geek. Love the books, love the movies (ext. ed.), love the backstory, love it. Thanks, Dad.

What would go in your bag?


Shelli said...

Ha! That is great! What a great idea for getting to know each other. I was hoping you would share what was in your bag. Very cool (and very you!!)

Trev said...

Shelli, the 3 things at the bottom are the 3 things that were in her bag! :) You are so funny sometimes.

Cool story, Kris! What a fun activity. It would be fun to do at a family reunion. I heard you were volunteering to put one together.

Krista said...

I think you both are funny sometimes... That would be fun at a family reunion... hmmm. Let us mull that over.

Shelli said...

I am so glad my sister understood my comment..."YES, I was hoping, you would share, and you DID!" How amazing that my own husband would misunderstand and feel I needed it explained to me. Good thing I love you Trev, I can just let that one slide! :)

The Patriarch said...

I think that Tolkien is my favorite author. I remember reading those books on my bus ride to work when we lived in Kent and through the lunch time. It was hard to put them down. Mom and I went to see a mix of animation and actual actors in a movie that attempted to illustrate the first half of the series. It was playing in the downtown theater of Pasco. Then finally the series of movies came out and I relished them. I think, though, that I enjoyed the books the best. There's nothing like the mixture of words and imagination to bring events and stories to life.

Team Pettijohn said...

That's a great idea for an activity, I will have to remember that. Uh...what would go in my bag? Hmmmmm...probably a softball glove, a cell phone or ipod (i love gadgets), and last probably a movie ticket. I loves going to the movies or watching a good dvd.

Gramma Spice said...

Let's see, a bottle of Accent, a pack of flower seeds, and a bike helmet.