Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone
Despite the fact that I haven't finished my college degree, or have anything that the business sector would call a career, I have a good sense of who I am, and feel I am always growing, learning, working together with my loved ones to have a happy life, to make this time here on Earth worth it. Someone said that to have a child is to have your heart go walking around outside your body; running, more like it. So, as I raise these 4 little lumps of my heart, and they grow, discover, break down, learn to live, I am doing it right along with them. Their beats are my own, 4 times over. It is a tremendous opportunity for personal growth if taken advantage of. Honestly I don't feel like taking advantage of it every day, or at 3 a.m., or when the eye rolls come my way, or when I am skipping around a quiet house on that joyous first day back at school. But, I am immeasurably grateful to be a Mom. I will always be one. I will always be loved in that capacity. How often do we have an opportunity to put so much of ourselves into such a worthy project? I am a better human being because of it.